Rockland, ME - KRKD

Airport last visited August 30, 2022


Standard left hand patterns for all runways. We used runway 21 for both landing and departure, with the prevailing southwest winds.

Parking and Fueling

Parking was $10 overnight, billed through the Knox County airport. Full-service only 100LL is available from Downeast Air.


We've used both family vehicles and local taxi service. Avis rental cars are available through Downeast Air.


The seafood and lobster selection at the Waterfront restaurant in nearby Camden is outstanding. Breakfast at the Lime Rock Inn B&B including fresh-baked blueberry muffins, plus surprisingly good biscuits and gravy.


We enjoyed the quaint accommodations at the Lime Rock Inn B&B in Rockland, relaxing overnight in the Turret Room.


Lots of coastal activities are available in the Rockland area.