Aberdeen, SD - KABR

Airport last visited August 21, 2022


Arrival from the west provides for a smooth left downwind entry for runway 35 with prevailing northern winds. Departures in light winds are usually from runway 13.

Parking and Fueling

Parking, hangar space and full and self-serve 100LL are available at Hangar 9, which has a relaxing FBO lounge and facility. Hangar space at $50/night was welcome during an overnight with thunderstorms.


We enjoyed an old but functional Cadillac Escalade courtesy car in 2022, and rental cars are also available from Hangar 9.


The walleye and steak selections are great at Maverick's.


Hangar 9 provides great FBO rates at the nearby Fairfield Inn.


Melgaard Park and the Kuhnert Arboretum provide ample walking and exercise opportunities.